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# Logarithms. Let us review the definition of logarithm: The logarithm function of base $b$, where $b > 0$ and $b \neq 1$, is denote by $y =\log_{b}(x)$ and is defined by $$ y=\log_{b}x \quad\text{if and only if}\quad x=b^{y} $$ that is to say, the logarithm of base b of the number $x$, is the power $y$ we need such that $b^{y}$ gives $x$. The domain of $y=\log_{b}(x)$ is for $x > 0$. We will use the special notation $\ln$ to denote $\log_{e}$ which is the natural log, with base $e\approx 2.718281828459....$ In particular we have $$ y=e^{x} \quad\text{if and only if} \quad x=\ln (y) $$Some logarithm rules: (1) $\log_{b}(xy)=\log_{b}(x) + \log_{b}(y)$ (2) $\log_{b}(x^m) = m\log_{b}(x)$ (3) $\displaystyle\log_{b}(x) = \frac{\log_{c}(x)}{\log_{c}(b)}$ ![[---images/---assets/---icons/question-icon.svg]] Find the exact value of each logarithm without a calculator. (1) $\log_{2}0$ (2) $\log_{5}125$ (3) $\log_{3} \frac{1}{9}$ (4) $\log_{\frac{1}{3}} 9$ (5) $\log_{\sqrt{2}}4$ (6) $\log_{5} \sqrt[3]{25}$ (7) $\ln \sqrt{e}$ (8) $\ln e^{3}$ ![[---images/---assets/---icons/question-icon.svg]] Solve for $x$ in each of the following. (1) $\log_{3}x = 2$ (2) $\log_{3}(3x-2)=2$ (3) $\log_{x}(\frac{1}{8})=3$ (4) $e^{-2x + 1}=13$ (5) $\log_{5}(x^2 + x + 4) = 2$ (6) $\log_{2} 8^{x} = -3$ ![[---images/---assets/---icons/question-icon.svg]] Solve for $y$ in terms of $x$ in the following $\ln x = \ln(y+1)+\ln(y+2)$. ![[---images/---assets/---icons/question-icon.svg]] Find the exact value of $\log_{2}3\cdot \log_3 4 \cdot \log_{4}\cdot 5\cdot\log_{5} 6 \cdot\log_{6} 7\cdot\log_{7}8$ without a calculator. ## Example. Blood alcohol content (BAC) and driving. **Blood alcohol content** (BAC) is a measure of the amount of alcohol in a person's blood stream. A BAC of 0.02% means a person has 2 parts of alcohol for 10000 parts blood in their body. **Relative risk** is defined to be the likelihood of one event happening divided by the likelihood of another event happening. So for example, if a person with BAC of 0.02% is 1.4 times as likely to get into an accident while driving than a person who has not been drinking, we say the person with BAC of 0.02% has a relative risk of 1.4. Many medical research suggests that the relative risk factor $R$ of having an accident while driving a car can be modeled by an equation of the form $$ R = A e^{kx} $$ where $x$ is the percent of concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream and $k$ is some constant. (One can see such a study like this here: [Voas, et al.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/223136111_Alcohol-Related_Risk_of_Driver_Fatalities_An_Update_Using_2007_Data)) (a) Using the definition of relative risk $R$, what is the constant $A$ when the percent concentration of alcohol in the blood stream is 0 (i.e. when a person has not been drinking)? (b) Some research suggests that the relative risk of a person having an accident with a BAC of 0.02% is 1.4. Find the constant $k$. (c) Using this value of $k$ you found, what is relative risk $R$ when the concentration is 0.17%? (d) Using this value of $k$, what BAC corresponds to a relative risk $R$ of 100? (e) If the law suggests that having a relative risk $R$ of 4 or more, one should not have driving privileges, at what BAC would a driver be arrested and charged with a DUI (driving under the influence)? (f) Look up at what BAC would one receive a DUI in California. Random note. Above a BAC of 0.3% is likely to put one into a coma and possibly death. [Website: Government of South Australia](https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/conditions/alcohol/blood+alcohol+concentration+bac+and+the+effects+of+alcohol)